You deserve the quality of life you dream of.

As a trained functional integrative nutritionist, I use proven food, lifestyle, and behavior practices to get to the source of health issues. This comprehensive approach supports individuals in rebalancing the body, boosting the innate capacity to heal and promoting restoration of healthy function.

Been there, done that.

our body doesn't lie

Like you, I strived to be the quintessential modern-day Superwoman. However, major health issues that started in my 20's and continued throughout my 30's gave me a reality check.

My health crisis wake-up call came when I could no longer function normally. I thought my body was betraying me...

I was frustrated, terrified, and confused. I had been doing everything "right"...yet I was incredibly sick. Going through a slew of doctors, specialists, procedures, tests, misdiagnoses, and terrifying trips to the ER, I refused to accept that I was "fine" (or that the only solution was pharmaceutical band-aids). I was a shell of myself. My brain wouldn’t work, I was exhausted, and I felt disconnected, depressed, and inadequate as a mother, citizen, and wife. I was ready to give up.

Instead, I advocated for myself and became my own health detective. 

Slowly, I uncovered many underlying factors compromising my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I realized that my health began deteriorating with my first incidence of Lyme Disease, and only got worse when I was exposed to toxic mold in my home and workplace.

Even more, my illness was not only from what I was eating, but what was eating me. To heal, I had to address all of the toxic factors and hidden stressors making me sick: food allergies, lifestyle habits, environmental influences, genetic variants, environmental toxicities (like chemical exposures and mold), heavy metals, hidden infections and pathogens, chronic Lyme and co-infections, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, and even factors like past traumas, hurtful relationships, and a victim mindset.


Since identifying the root cause(s) of my issues (because it’s never just one thing), I embraced the concept of natural healing prompted by the body’s ongoing efforts to heal, and the basic fact that health is established when we rebalance the body by removing toxic stressors and giving the body what is lacking.

With that, as a functional nutritionist, I have embodied the simple truth that food is medicine. Even more, "food" goes beyond what we eat and includes all parts of life that nourish us. In the process of slowing down, simplifying, and getting back to basics by integrating ongoing food and lifestyle modifications, I have learned to cultivate a sense of vitality I never imagined. I am currently in my 40’s and feel better than ever.

I am the poster child for Hippocrates' words of wisdom that "all health begins in the gut".

This means two things: trusting your gut to determine what is good or not good in your life, as well as literally creating gut health — are the fundamental starting points for creating the life you are meant (and deserve) to live.

I no longer suffer from debilitating depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, joint pain, neurological problems, heart issues, and countless physical ailments that were holding me back and preventing me from living fully. My mental and physical health has been restored and I got my life back! I have accomplished things I never thought possible — completing a rigorous grad school program, opening my businesses, learning to surf, having a third child in my mid-forties (!) and much more.

Through a functional and integrative medicine approach, I believe that we all can prevent or halt the disease process and slow down (or reverse) the aging process. I am living proof.

The wisdom and compassion I have cultivated through my journey has inspired me to share my story. My mission is to empower others who are suffering to reclaim their health and happiness -- so they too can be the best version of themselves and discover what living fully really means.

You can do it too!

Taking that first step is easy.  Let's connect.

My approach as a Functional Integrative Nutritionist

More about my professional training, philosophy, and goals


Integrative Functional Nutrition is an updated, comprehensive, systems-oriented, patient-centered approach to cultivate true health and wellness. This method of practice is used to prevent, mitigate, and reverse chronic conditions at the source and optimize physical, emotional, and cognitive function. It assesses interrelated factors such as food, gut health, lifestyle, environment, genetics, relationships, stress, and mindset and incorporates complementary healing modalities into a personalized clinical treatment plan. This approach focuses not on the condition or symptoms as the problem, but rather as clues to investigate and address the underlying issues resulting in the presentation of the client's issue(s). Integrative Functional Nutrition is both a science and an art, drawing from the Functional Medicine paradigm which relies on clinical evidence from targeted assessments and insights to identify underlying root causes of health concerns. The goal is to establish a closely monitored, individualized, effective strategy to restore health naturally -- and to teach the client how to practice self-care for life.


My goal is to help individuals get to the root of their health concerns by identifying the blocks and incorporating simple lifestyle and nutritional modifications so you can re-balance and thrive. I promote total body and mind health through digestive and gut health, nervous system rebalancing, and by introducing therapeutic foods and integrative healing modalities. I will support you in incorporating easy, practical solutions and self-care tools necessary for a busy lifestyle, empowering you to cultivate true wellness as a lifelong practice. 

I am a member of The Center for Mindful Eating, whose mission is "to help people achieve a balanced, respectful, healthy and joyful relationship with food and eating. As a practice, mindful eating can bring us awareness of our own actions, thoughts, feelings and motivations, and insight into the roots of health and contentment."


The art + science of creating health from the inside out


Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized comprehensive integrative health and functional nutrition therapeutic plan that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. My approach is evidence-based and clinically proven to restore health, vitality, and longevity, and prevent, mitigate, and reverse chronic health complaints.

I am passionate about drawing from my life experiences and rely on a strong educational foundation in functional medicine and mind-body-medicine principles. In this way, I use my expertise in the art and science of health to guide others through their healing process for life-long results.



It's known that community, belonging, and strong social networks contribute to overall health, happiness, and longevity. As an advocate for human connection and collaboration, I am the founder of the Silver Circle Art Center in Northeastern CT since 2008.

This local establishment has enhanced the quality of life for many by promoting not only a sense of belonging for local artists but also by emphasizing the personal development and health benefits of creativity through the lens of mind-body medicine. Our Integrative Therapeutic Arts Program, ITAP uses art and creativity as a modality for self-expression, healing, and wellness.

In 2018, I founded BLOCK 134, an arts and wellness collective where individuals and groups of people come together to collaborate, share events, offer professional services, connect, and create in one space. Various classes, workshops, and private services are available to enrich, educate, and enhance the quality of our local community member’s lives.